Monday, September 16, 2013

Weekly Tips - Dental, Health Tips and Beauty Tips

Dental Tips Here are few basic tips for dental hygiene that you may find useful with a little bit of my opinion thrown in because... well because I can't help myself really! Always check the labels that on the toothpaste you're going to buy and toothpaste you use should definitely contain fluoride. Now I know there have been endless conspiracy theories over the years about the long term effects of fluoride on humans. To date nothing has ever been shown that would indicate anything that the a...

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  1. Brushing your teeth regularly is imperative for everyone irrespective of their age, busy life etc. It is recommended to use a tooth brush having soft bristles and brush your teeth in a circular motion. Use water to thoroughly wash your teeth and spit it out. You should use toothpaste containing active ingredients such as xylitol or fluoride to help prevent gum and tooth disease. Keep in mind that it is the mechanical action of the tooth brush rather than the paste which is responsible for most of the cleaning. Thus, do not be in a hurry while brushing your teeth!

    Medical tourism

  2. Last week I was at a cleaning seminar and was told that you are supposed to sterilize your toothbrush. Is that really something a dentist would recommend? I just figured that I would be okay as long as I got a new toothbrush ever 2-3 months. I am completely in the dark about this or is sterilizing not really necessary?

    Mia |
